Padraig Conlon , editor of the Northside People joins Donie Tarrant to discuss some of this week’s main stories. 1st broadcast on 22/05/23
Regular contributor Alan Tuffery joins Donie Tarrant to ask whether relaxing is good for us or not. Is enjoying entertainment provided for us a good thing? Should we be more engaged, more creative? 1st broadcast on 22/05/23
A new study illustrates unique genetic landscape in Newfoundland and Labrador with links to Ireland, particularly the South East of Ireland and England. Researcher Dr Edmund Gilbert joins Donie Tarrant to explain about his research and findings. 1st broadcast on: 22/05/23
Muirne Bloomer from Creative Places Darndale & Made in Darndale joins Donie Tarrant to talk about “Made in Darndale” which takes place between Friday 26 & Sunday 28 May. 1st broadcast on 22/05/23
Brian Joyce speaks with Dr Siobhan Killion Head of Management at the School of Management. Siobhan wants to encourage senior adults to return to third level education. 1st broadcast on 22/05/23