Oviya was born in the Southern part of India, and has lived and grown up in various other parts of India. She completed a degree in Architecture, but then went on to become an English teacher out of sheer love for the…
John McHugh head of the Science & engineering department at Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education joins Donie Tarrant to talk about the work of his section, the educational and employment opportunities which accrue from these courses. Web Link: http://www.cdcfe.ie
Local singer/songwriter Sharyn Ward joins Donie Tarrant live in studio to chat about her Christmas album, her recent & fore coming concerts. Web Link: sharynwardmusic@gmail.com
Tamara Kearns is the new Healthy Food Made Easy Project Officer with the Northside Partnership. She joins Donie Tarrant to explain what Healthy Food Made Easy is and among other things what Health Food Make Easy recommends for Christmas. Web Link: http://www.northsidepartnership.ie