Asian Talents: EP 26

Steven Baldesco was born in the Philippines but has lived in Ireland for 16 years now. He currently work in a government agency, but his passions have always been politics, art, and history. In 2022, he was a volunteer for the presidential…

Asian Talents – Episode 25

今集嘅嘉賓係來自香港嘅 Dorothy。香港出生及長大,大學畢業後曾從事傳媒工作,後因工作假期而黎到愛爾蘭。 在此考獲特許公認會計師(ACCA) 及特許稅務師(CTA)資歷,現於一誇國企業任職稅務相關工作。 Dorothy 同時為兩女之母,係湊女及工作以外嘅閒餘時間,鍾意跑步減壓。 Dorothy is originally from Hong Kong. After graduating from university, she has been working in media industry. She came to Ireland on a Working Holiday visa but stayed and passed her ACCA and CTA exam. She…

Asian Talents – Episode 24

Evan holds a Master in Education in UCD and she has been teaching Chinese Language and Culture courses to pupils of primary, post-primary schools and the new Taiwan Centre for Mandarin Learning in Ireland. In recent years, she embarked on financial technology…

Asian Talents – Episode 23

今集嘅嘉賓係來自香港及星加坡嘅 Max Yu。佢現職係是Maynooth University 商學院嘅行為科學家同市場營銷學助理教授。在加入Maynooth University之前,Max 係南洋理工大學及新加坡國立大學嘅博士後研究員,及持有悉尼大學商學院市場營銷博士學位。 Max Yu is a behavioural scientist and an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Maynooth University School of Business. Prior to joining Maynooth University, Max was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University and National…

Asian Talents – Episode 22

Shaakya Anand-Vembar is a PhD researcher in the Department of Psychiatry at Trinity College Dublin, originally from India. She has lived around the world (Mumbai, Jakarta, St. Louis, New York, Utrecht, The Hague, and Dublin). Having experienced the double standards faced by…

Asian Talents – Episode 21

今集嘅嘉賓係自今年七月先至到達都柏林嘅William,本身係一名會計師,今次移居來愛爾蘭最主要嘅原因係為咗小朋友,佢認為愛爾蘭嘅教育環境同埋價值觀對於小朋友嘅成長有莫大裨益,所以放下香港嘅工作帶同小朋友嚟到愛爾 佢會同我哋分享吓嚟到呢度之後所面對嘅最大困難同埋呢度嘅生活情況——以一個剛剛嚟到愛爾蘭嘅人嘅身份去睇呢個世界。佢仲成立咗一條YouTube頻道,希望以剛剛嚟到愛爾蘭嘅香港人身份,分享嚟到呢個新地方嘅感受、面對嘅困難、介紹呢度生活嘅環節,希望可以協助剛剛到埗又或者計劃嚟呢度嘅朋友,令到佢哋更快融入呢個地方。 以下就係佢嘅YT頻道,同埋FB/IG嘅網址: William is an accountant from Hong Kong. Unlikely the majority of migrants, his decision to move to Ireland has actually nothing to do with his own career. His purpose of coming to Ireland is to for…

Asian Talents – Episode 19

今集嘅嘉賓係嚟自山東嘅 Jason,佢多年前嚟到愛爾蘭,想「出去見下世面」,後來發現自己對髮型設計有興趣,想報讀 L’oreal Academy,家人初初反對,後來慢慢接受。 佢會同我哋分享佢當上髮型設計師嘅道路,同埋點解佢選擇針對西人客路。亦會講吓點解會操一口流利嘅粵語!好奇嘅朋友,唔好錯過啦! Jason is from Shandong. He came to Ireland to see the world but end up signing up for L’oreal Academy to learn about styling, despite the disagreement from the family. He is now a successful stylist with…

Asian Talents – Episode 18

Barialai Khoshhal has extensive experience in photo documentary, news photography and videography. He has worked for Nai (Afghanistan Open Media Organization) in Kandahar as a trainer & meeting organizer, ADPRO (Afghanistan Development Peace and Research Organization), Associated Press, BBC Afghanistan Media Action,…

Asian Talents – Episode 17

歐陽靖民生於香港,曾留學英國,畢業後在日本工作兩年後回到香港。兩年前因為希望加入大型科技企業工作,於是放眼海外找尋工作機會。本來只計劃到鄰近的新加坡,機緣巧合下卻來到從未踏足的愛爾蘭在 LinkedIn 任職人工智能工程師。 Albert was born in Hong Kong. He studied in the UK and worked for two years in Japan, before going back to Hong Kong. Two years ago he wanted to join some large technology companies to advance his career…

Asian Talents – Episode 16

Fahmeda Naheed has been living in Ireland, the North side of Cork for the last thirteen years. She is currently working as a Garda staff and works in the Southern Region with Assistant Commissioner’s office in Anglesea Street Cork City. She is…

Asian Talents – Episode 15

Ep 15 – 22 Sept 2022 – 今集嘅嘉賓是來自英國嘅 Andrew, 佢係英國土生土長第二代香港人。佢擁有廣播工程學士學位,識英語、粵語、德語同一啲波蘭語。 佢係多個不同國家擔任英語教師超過 13 年,他於 2013 年來到都柏林,原本打算之前只停留一年,之後再到其他國家繼續新冒險。但係,係佢抵達後不久,佢好快就結交左好多新朋友,並愛上了左都柏林! 住係愛爾蘭呢幾年,佢睇到在愛爾蘭同英國發生左啲巨大嘅立法和政治變化,但最終對佢影響最深遠影響嘅係英國脫歐。由於唔想放棄歐盟身份,Andrew 決定申請愛爾蘭公民身份。 雖然佢係英國出生的華人,但佢非常珍惜自己嘅粵語傳統,並希望尋找志同道合嘅人一齊推廣粵語。 In this episode, we will speak with Andrew. He was born and grew up in London from a family of Hong Kong Chinese ancestry.…