Asian Talents – Episode 19


今集嘅嘉賓係嚟自山東嘅 Jason,佢多年前嚟到愛爾蘭,想「出去見下世面」,後來發現自己對髮型設計有興趣,想報讀 L’oreal Academy,家人初初反對,後來慢慢接受。 佢會同我哋分享佢當上髮型設計師嘅道路,同埋點解佢選擇針對西人客路。亦會講吓點解會操一口流利嘅粵語!好奇嘅朋友,唔好錯過啦!

Jason is from Shandong. He came to Ireland to see the world but end up signing up for L’oreal Academy to learn about styling, despite the disagreement from the family. He is now a successful stylist with his own salon. His regular customers love him and he is a stable icon in the community of Drumcondra. He is going to share with us his journey of becoming a stylist and how come he speaks fluent Cantonese even though it’s not his native language.

About the show

Asian Talents is a talk programme presented by Alice Chau, that represents the Asian community and featuring Asian people that are contributing to Ireland in their own niche.The programme is bilingual in Cantonese and English.

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