David Hegarty – Dynamic Health.

On lifelinefriday David Hegarty talks about the importance of posture, in creating more efficient breathing patterns. The benefits of deep efficient breathing are often called Lifeforce, because of the force and vitality that results in a body when it’s competently breathed. We…


Intreo is a new service from the Department of Social Protection. Intreo is a single point of contact for all employment and income supports. Designed to provide a more streamlined approach, Intreo offers practical, tailored employment services and supports for jobseekers and…

Clowns Without Borders

Under the banner of Clowns without Borders the island’s top professional street artists, entertainers, puppeteers and circus acts will be volunteering to perform their shows for numerous families awaiting news of their asylum status. Colm O Grady, the artistic Director of Clowns without Borders…