Between the Lines: 3/02/2013

Keith Redmond was joined in the studio by Cllr Brian McDowell of Labour, and long time contributor Martin O’ Sullivan of People Before Profit.  We discussed the then upcoming, now passed, ICTU organised country wide protest on Saturday the 9th of February.…

Between the Lines: 11/11/2012

Our guests, Michelle Murphy, a Research and Policy Analyst for Social Justice Ireland, Michael O’ Reilly President of the Dublin Council of Trade Unions,  former Lord Mayor, Cllr Paddy Bourke of Labour and Cllr Anthony Lavin (Fine Gael). Topics of Discussion: The…

Between the Lines: 04/11/2012

Presenter Dermot Brangan was joined in the studio by presenters turned guests, Heidi Bedell, Bronwen Maher, Keith Redmond and Ger Dorgan. We discussed the imprisonment of Sean Quinn, the upcoming Children’s Referendum, and Public Sector Increments. Keith’s article on Public Sector Increments…

Between the Lines : 09/10/2011

Presenter Ger Dorgan was joined in the studio by Michelle Murphy (Research and Policy Analyst-Social Justice Ireland), Cristina Santa Maria (Northside Civic Centre) and Brian Killoran (Immigrant Council of Ireland). We discussed Social Justice Ireland’s Alternative Budget, and “Taking Racism Seriously: Migrants’ Experiences of Violence,…

Between the Lines: 17/04/2011

Presenter Enda Roche was joined in the studio by political campaigner, Patricia McKenna, our own Austin McCoy, co producer/presenter of the Senior Citizens Programme. (Monday’s at 2pm) and Judy Dunne of the Consumer Association of Ireland. The panel discussed the Queen’s visit and consumer…

Between the Lines: 20/03/2011

Presenter Ger Dorgan is joined in the studio with Martin O’Sullivan (People Before Profit), Community Activist, Katherine Gibney, Cllr Terry Kelleher (Socialist Party) and Ethel Buckley of SIPTU. We discuss Employment & Unemployment in Ireland, focusing on unions and recent wage regulation…

Between the Lines 13/03/2011

Presenter Enda Roche, is joined in the studio by Joanne Finnegan, Roger Cole (PANA), Keith Redmond and Dr. Faheen Bukhatwa. Topics included, women in Irish politics, or the lack there of, Irish neutrality in the face of civil unrest in other countries…

Between the Lines 06/03/2011

Presenter Dermot Brangan is joined in the studio by Aidan Kennedy, Cristina Santa Maria, Tom Brennan & Sean Whelan. Among the topics discussed; a Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael coalition, Civil Partnesrship & the aftermath of the general election.   Produced by Ray Burke…

Between the Lines: 26/02/11

The morning after, with some votes still being counted accross the country, it was clear the political landscape had changed. In studio to discuss the outcome were presenter Ger Dorgan, and presenters, (today as members of the panel), Bronwen Maher, Austin McCoy…