Enviro – 13th February 2017

Part One: Tadhg O Cruadhlaoich described the film ‘ATLANTIC’, and explained and stressed its importance and particularly its screening at the prestigious Berlinale film festival, due to be screened on 14th February. Only the best films are shown at this festival. There followed…

Enviro – 6th February 2017

Part one contained an extended interview with Conrad Jay of Mount Usher Gardens in Ashford, Co. Wicklow concerning the environmental implications of plans for the Roundwood reservoir and Vartry River. There have been several letters in the media expressing concern including his…

Enviro – 30th January 2017

In the first half of the program, John O’Rourke talked about new discoveries about trees. John referred to Peter Wohlleben’s book ‘The Hidden Life of Trees’ and explained that Wohlleben, a forester and environmentalist, set out to prove that trees are sentient,…

Enviro – 16th January 2017

The program dealt with a range of topics including that this Enviro program coincided with Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Day. His importance was mentioned in human rights terms and it appeared that the new Trump administration in the USA is designed…

Enviro – 9th January 2017

In the first half hour, Gillian Bird of the DSPCA (the Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) talked about recent animal cruelty incidents (see Irish Independent article 5 th . January 2017- ‘Alarm over kid’s roles in animal abuse cases’). She…

Enviro – 12th December 2016

This Enviro program started with forest Friends internship students Vanesse and Julia explaining how they learned about the environment and its importance to them. They recited the song about gardening “Inch by Inch” made popular by Pete Seeger. The program celebrated Bob…

Enviro – 5th December 2016

Robert Navan talked about the send off which the Cuban people gave to the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro, who died on November 25 2016 aged 90. In the discussion which followed, it referred to last week’s explanation by Simon…

Enviro – 28th November 2016

Simon McGuinness, National Coordinator of Cuba Support Group Ireland uses Cuba as a case study of sustainable development in his MSc module level course at the Dublin Institute of Technology. Simon’s contention that Cuba is the only currently successful model for sustainable…

Enviro – 14th November 2016

This program celebrated the music and songs of Leonard Cohen. It covered a wide range of topics including discussion of the findings of the Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (EPA). It asked the question is ‘Trumpism’ good for the US and the world…

Enviro – 7th November 2016

The program updated listeners on important environmental issues. It discussed the importance of the Standing Rock Native North American Reservation’s protest in opposition to the Dakota access oil pipeline and the US first Nation’s struggle and treatment over time with songs and…

Enviro – 24th October 2016

Susan Carton from Love Leitrim updated ENVIRO listeners as to the, health, costs, and climatic aspects of fracking. She talked about some bad experiences of fracking in the US, where methane much more serious than CO2 is released and ground water contaminated. She explained…