The True Cost of Cocaine

Cocaine usage among young people.  This was produced by 3 journalism degree students from Colaiste Dhulaigh, Laura Murphy, Radek Kasa and Stephen Gibbons and contains content about drugs and some strong language. If you’ve been affected by any of the material in…

Lifeline: Coláiste Dhúlaigh Careers Fair.

Donie Tarrant broadcast live from the Coláiste Dhúlaigh Careers Fair. He spoke to various Coláiste Dhúlaigh staff members as well as HR representatives from companies attending the fair. The interviews in order are: Mary Hickey – Principal, Coláiste Dhúlaigh Allison Delahunt -Sandra…

Speaking Poetry – Episode 1

Speaking Poetry is a series where Spoken Word poets attend local northside Dublin secondary schools to give workshops. The series captures the essence of these workshops, the interaction between poet and students and the students thoughts and opinions on the poets and the…