Enviro: 29th July 2019

On this edition of Enviro: John pointed out that Enviro is an anti war program and we address this issuie regularly in Enviro programs.. the team went on to discuss many issues including, the protest led by animal rights activist John Carmody.…

Fingal Beaches

Bronagh Corry of Fingal County Council talks to Noel McGuinness about the recent Blue Flag and Green Coast awards for the beaches at Skerries, Donabate, Portrane and Portmarnock. She also talks about the lifeguards on duty this season and about litter on…

Ar Muin na Muice, 5 Meitheamh

Ar an gclár an seachtain seo, déanann Shane agus Gráinne plé ar feidhmchlár (nó aip, más fearr leat)darbh ainm Filíocht Anois, a dhéanann beochan (animation) ar saothar roinnt filí Gaeilge, agus a cruthaíonn físeanna de anailís ar na dánta. Chomh maith leis…