New Series on The Jomac Show

Beaumont resident Joe O’Connor talks to Pat Meehan on Northside2Day about the new series of radio programmes on The Jomac Show.  This is a 2-part radio series about the history of the voluntary entertainment and variety group Jomac which he devised and produced with his son Dave O’Connor, a NEARfm volunteer, with the assistance of the Sound & Vision Fund, a BAI initiative.

Since 1953 the Jomac show has been entertaining thousands of Dubliners across the City. For more than 60 years this group of volunteers has been entertaining young and old alike in hospitals, old people’s homes and orphanages. The Jomac Show brought light relief to its audiences and through the years has featured singers, dancers, musicians, comedians and magicians. Among its alumni down through the years have been entertainers such as the Brannigans, Butch Moore, Joe Cuddy, the Bachelors and Noel V Ginnity.
