This Sporting Life Ep17 – Archery

This Sporting Life

This Sporting Life: The Story of Minority Sport in North Dublin

This Sporting Life is an upbeat and lively series of short documentaries which capture the excitement and dedication of minority sports people and encourages others to join in. Each programme serves as an introduction to a different minority sport practiced in Northside Dublin.

17. Archery

The discipline of archery dates back as far as 9000BC and has been featured in the modern Olympic games since 1900. It’s a sport that’s constantly evolving and the complex bows today’s archers use are a huge leap forward technologically from the bows of antiquity.

Edd Kealy and Niamh Griffin went along to the Blackheath Archers club based in the Irish Wheelchair Association hall in Clontarf to find out more about the sport and Edd got a lesson from the first Irish man to compete in archery at the Olympic games Jim Conroy. We also talked to Paul Conroy another coach at the club and archers Barry Guider, John Reck and Stephen Hogan.

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This series is made with the support of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland’s Sound and Vision scheme.
