Home Birthing

Joe Keegan presents the Lifeline programme with two mothers about home birthing.

The Home Birth Association (HBA) is a voluntary group, founded in 1982 to give information and support to those considering and opting for home birth. It helps parents make an informed choice by publishing leaflets, answering telephone queries, keeping lists of midwives, running monthly open meetings and organizing workshops & conferences.

The 2012 Home Birth Conference and AGM marked our 30th Anniverary.

The HBA lobbies and makes submissions to the relevant authorities, urging them to provide more information on home birth, to reintroduce practical domiciliary midwifery and to integrate nationwide domiciliary care into the maternity services.

The HBA receives no funding from any source other than membership subscriptions and is a registered charity.

As of October 1st 2008, Self employed Community Midwives are providing Home Birth Services around the Country for suitable women, and will be paid directly by the HSE (€2,400)
