The History Show Episode Seven

Episode 7 of the History Show on Near FM presented by Cathal Brennan and John Dorney. On this episode, we discuss Fascism and Anti – Fascism in Ireland, in particular the Blueshirts and Fine Gael.
We were joined by Dr. Fearghal McGarry of Queen’s University Belfast and Dr. Brian Hanley from the University of Liverpool.

Dr Fearghal McGarry is a senior lecturer in Modern History at Queens University Belfast. He has written a series of books on Irish republicanism including; Irish Politics and the Spanish Civil War, Frank Ryan, Eoin O’Duffy a Self Made Hero and The Rising, Ireland Easter 1916 and edited the collection, Republicanism in Modern Ireland. His latest book is Rebels.

Dr. Brian Hanley is the author of The IRA – A documentary History, 1919 – 2005; The IRA, 1926 – 1936; and with Scott Millar, The Lost Revolution, The Story of the Official IRA and the Workers’ Party. He lectures in the University of Liverpool.

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