Culture Shots #28

Culture Shots #28 (Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media) by Near Fm on Mixcloud

Culture Shots programme 28 marks International Children’s Day of Broadcasting by dedicating the programme to listening to the views of children, and featuring guest hosts Ayesha Coyle and Asim Butt.

Anne Healy interviews Rabab Benrabah about her experience as a participant and facilitator taking part in UNICEF’s suitcase stories project.

Later on, Peig McManus speaks to Joseph O’Connor, as he talks about changing from a CBS to an Educate Together school in Ennis Co. Clare.

Also featuring music from Willow Smith and the Jackson 5.

This series is a part of the Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media project, which is co-financed by the European Commission under the European Integration Fund and is supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality and Pobal.
