An Informative Interview with Dee Kernan on the Training Courses starting now at the Discovery Village Centre, Darndale.

Dee Kernan speaks to NearFM’s John Connell in the Discovery Training Centre in Darndale about the Centre’s Training Courses that are beginning at this time of the year, September/ October. There are spaces still available for the three areas that the Discovery Centre offers in —

1) Catering and Hospitality; Courses Training up to QQI Level Three (equivalent to Junior Cert) & Level Four( equivalent to Leaving Cert Applied),

2) Woodwork and Construction; Courses Training up to QQI Level Three (equivalent to Junior Cert)
& Level Four( equivalent to Leaving Cert Applied),

3) Hair and Beauty; Courses Training up to VTCT Level 2

These Training Courses teach practical skills to 16 to 21 year olds and allow people to gain entry to PLC and other levels of education.
