Asian Talents Podcast Ep 11 – Fangzhe Qui


今集的嘉賓是來自廣州的語言學家邱方哲博士,現職都柏林大學愛爾蘭凱爾特研究學院的助理教授。 他畢業於北京大學,持法學和哲學學士學位。 他亦持有牛津大學凱爾特研究碩士學位及科克大學早期和中世紀愛爾蘭文博士。亦曾並於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學和烏得勒支大學作交換生。

他致力於將愛爾蘭文化帶給華人。 另外,作為愛爾蘭語專家,以及邊緣語言(粵語和撒拉語)的使用者,他亦熱心捍衛語言權利。 Fangzhe Qui is an assistant professor (Ad Astra Fellow) in the School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore in University College Dublin, Ireland. He has a PhD in Early and Medieval Irish by UCC, a MPhil degree in Celtic Studies from University of Oxford and a bachelor in Law and Philosophy from Peking University, China. He has also studied at the University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University in the Netherlands as an exchange student.

He is an active promoter of Irish culture to the Chinese public. As a learner and admirer of the Irish language, as well as a speaker of marginalized languages (Cantonese and Salar), he is enthusiastic in defending language rights in public life.