The GPA on motion at GAA National Congress 2022 calling for integration of 3 organisations (EN/GA)

The Gaelic Players Association GPA held a press conference on Monday 21 February to talk about the historic motion to be discussed and voted on at the following Saturday’s National Congress of the GAA calling for the integration of the GAA, LFGA and Camogie Association. Darren J. Prior caught up with Gemma Begley from the GPA and GAA journalist and PRO of the Official 3rd Level Ladies Gaelic Football LGFA HEC, Cóilín Duffy, to talk about the motion.

Tosaíonn an t-agallamh Gaeilge le Cóilín ag 11.47 nóim.

Near FM, 22 Feabhra / Feburary 2022.