Enviro: 7th October 2019

On this edition of Enviro:

Extinction Rebellion Week Extinction Rebellion (XR) Extinction Rebellion (XR) is getting geared up for
nonviolent direct action and public events including a week of action from 7th October. Its goals in Ireland are:

Demand 1: Tell The Truth

Demand 2: Act Like It’s An Emergency

Demand 3: Ensure A Just Transition

Our views on Extinction: John asked panellist Joe Dunne and student guest Calvin of their views with
regard to extinction and there was remarkable agreement between the two. This was surprising to John as
Calvin is a student and we would have anticipated an optimistic perspective from him. He was remarkably
frank that we were heading towards extinction.

Seamus O’Brien of the National Botanic gardens spelled out his trees and forestry ideas in a recent
newspaper article:

Ireland’s trees face growing challenges in era of climate change Adaptation

HS2 is a new high-speed rail network, from London to Birmingham and to Manchester and Leeds. Pressure
group Stop HS2 believes that the operation of the line will cause increasing carbon emissions, as well as
damage to areas of natural beauty and the ecosystems they support. The Woodland Trust the largest native
woodland voluntary tree organisation is organising opposition to the project in its present form. Pointing out
that it would smash through 34 ancient woodlands between London and Birmingham.

Film maker Michael Moore has joined actor Mark Ruffalo and 50 environmental groups from Ireland and the
US in their opposition to the import of fracked gas from the US and has urged the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar to
express their opposition and request the Irish government to withdraw its support.

Producer presenter John Haughton

Panellist Joe Dunne

Guest Student Calvin from Germany.