Enviro: 15th July 2019

On this edition of Enviro:

John and the panel interview interviewed community activist Padraig O’Connaille from Connemara about the proposals for Gold mining in his area. The team also interviewed Ian Lumney of An Taisce who have objected to the proposals.

Gold mining Connemara’s Maam valley

Gold mining Roundstone Connemara

Later in the show:

Sue and Eoin representatives of Extinction Rebellion offer their analysis of the Irish Government’s Climate Change plans. Followed by discussion with Joe Dunne panellist and Manon Mullier of France who is also a panellist on Enviro. The Extinction Rebellion representative spoke of their planned event for the 7th October which will be similar to those which took place in London today. Eoin also spoke of why he lives in the eco village of Clockjordan and the team agreed that this project is very important and should be supported.

Broadcast: 15/07/2019

Producer/presenter John Haughton

Panellists Joe Dunne and Manon Mullier