Culture Shots #15

Culture Shots #15 (Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media) by Near Fm on Mixcloud

This is the fifteenth show of Culture Shots, part of a series of 13 programmes examining the meaning of culture and promoting intercultural understanding.

Tonight’s programme puts the spotlight on two initiatives using media and creativity to promote eqality and inclusion.

Sudansh Verma interviews Hailuu Nertsiyanwa at the launch of the film “Making Ireland Home: Sharing the Stories of Young Migrants,” which was produced as part of the mPOWER initiative, a migrant youth project of the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland.

Later we hear from Luke Kasuwanga, Coordinator of the Anti-Racism Network (ARN) and Ciarna Hackett, professional artist, at the launch of the Anti-Racims Network’s photography exhibition.

Also featuring music by the Knife.

This series is a part of the Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media project, which is co-financed by the European Commission under the European Integration Fund and is supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality and Pobal.
