Community Radio News Desk – Brexit and Armed Forces, Breathalyzers and Hard border

Brexit and Armed Forces with Ger Guinan

  • In the event of a hard Brexit, we may see armed soldiers returning to the border, but how pay and conditions for our defense forces are and can we retain and recruit the necessary numbers. Adrianne Murphy speaks to PDFORRA (Permanent Defence Force Other Ranks Representative Association) general Secretary Ger Guinan and began by asking him how many defense force families are currently receiving social welfare payments in order to make ends meet.

Breathalyzers with Miriam Taber (Drink Aware)

  • As the prospect of Garda drink driving checkpoints in the mornings draws attention from all sections of society, including government T.D.’s, the issue of off the shelf breathalyzers has arisen. These range in price from €3.50 to several hundred euros. Johnny Holmes spoke to Miriam Taber from Drink Aware, and he first asked her opinion on the validity of these off the shelf personal breathalyzers.

Hard border with Emma Coffey (FF)

  • Dundalk FM’s Marissa Lucchesi spoke to local Fianna Fail Councillor Emma Coffey. Councillor Coffey attracted national media attention 18 months ago when she stated publicly that, in her opinion, a hard border was inevitable, and as such we should be preparing for it.

    Marissa began by asking Councillor Coffey if anyone had admitted they should have listened to her 18 months ago.

Broadcast: 29/01/2019

