Community Radio News Desk – Fundraising cycle in Africa with Nicholas O’Brien and Lorcan Byrne

OVER two days in early June 2018, 17 people completed a 140 – kilometre cycle from Dublin to Wexford to raise money for the Dublin based Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme (KCCP). The funds were aimed to provide child play therapy and a dedicated children’s summer project. Of the 17 cyclist, twelve came from London and five from Dublin. Now two of this group (Nicholas O’Brien and Lorcan Byrne) have decided to cycle the length of Africa, over 12,000 kilometres (roughly 170 kilometres per day) to raise funds for KCCP and for Orphanage Orlindi in Namibia. They will travel through 10 countries: Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. Their adventure started on 6th of January 2019. Here Nicholas and Lorcan report back to John Holmes about their trip.

Broadcast: 16/01/2019
