Actor Marcus Lamb chatted to Norma Burke on the Arts Show about FIRST LOVE by Samuel Beckett at the New Theatre

Actor Marcus Lamb joined Norma Burke on the Arts Show to talk about a brand new theatre production he is starring in: Samuel Beckett’s FIRST LOVE at The New Theatre.

John Banville deemed FIRST LOVE ‘The most nearly perfect short story ever written’.

A solitary figure is expelled from his family home after the death of his father and spends a good deal of his time lying on a bench by the canal in what may or may not be Dublin. He is disturbed by an equally enigmatic woman who sits beside him – he isolates himself but cannot stop thinking about her. An earthy and extraordinary tale, originally written in French in 1946, however Beckett refused to publish it as he felt much of the material was too personal. He only relented decades after and translated it into English for publication in 1973.

Marcus Lamb is well known from numerous film and TV roles including Dr Oakley in FAIR CITY, Bob Cratchit in THE MAN WHO INVENTED CHRISTMAS, Patrick Pearse in REBELLION, Des O’Malley in CHARLIE and numerous theatre productions in Ireland and also internationally.

This production from Mouth on Fire is in support of Dublin Simon Community and all ticket sales for Thursday 26th July will be donated to the charity. Collection buckets will be stationed in the theatre for the duration of the run.

Dublin Simon Community was founded by a group of Trinity and UCD students in 1969, who began by providing much-needed soup and sandwiches to people who were sleeping rough in Dublin city centre. In addition to the Soup Run, which still goes out 365 nights of the year, Dublin Simon Community provide many services which aim to help those who are sleeping rough on the streets, people who are in their own accommodation but at risk of homelessness and those who are at any of the stages in between. 

Dates: Monday 16th – Saturday 28th July 2018 (previews 16th & 17th / opening 18th July) Time: 7.30pm 

See the New Theatre website for more info here or check out their Facebook page.
