A to Z of Historical Blunders: Episode 7

Welcome to the A to Z of Historical Blunders, the show that reminds us about the dangers of history repeating itself.

This week, our dial will oscillate between 17th century Rome and Nazi Germany, and how religious zealots in one sphere, and anti-Semitic nationalists in another, refused to accept the glaring truth of science in defense of an unfounded and indefensible superiority complex.

My guests this week are Patrick & Hilary Semple and Brian Cogan.

Patrick Semple, former Church of Ireland clergyman, now atheist, served in several parishes around Ireland. He was for a time Church of Ireland adult Education Officer and served as Church of Ireland Chaplain to Mountjoy Prison. Patrick has published several books of short stories, memoir, and poetry.

Feminist, Trinity College graduate, retired secondary school teacher;Hilary Semple says she is living in a vastly different Ireland to the one she grew up in as a Protestant in the nineteen forties.

Electronic Engineer, Brian Cogan did his undergraduate degree and master’s in UCD, and his Ph.D. in Trinity College. He currently teaches in Dublin Institute of Technology in the Department of Electronic Engineering. He has published in several academic journals and has a lifelong interest in the history of science and mathematics.

The article on which this episode is based can be read here.