Maura Walsh chats to Rebecca Blomfield ahead of her performance in Darknet at Axis Theatre, Ballymun on 1st & 2nd May

It’s the Irish premiere of ‘Darknet’ written by Rose Lewenstein and presented by the students of BA Drama, Coláiste Dhúlaigh. A timely and immersive play depicting several stories and lives that collide in the uncharted maze of the DARKNET: A fifteen year-old girl who subverts the system to save her mother’s life. An international tech executive who will do anything to get ahead and a cybercriminal who needs to choose between two kinds of freedom.

Their digital journey reveals the secrets we unwittingly share and the places we hide online. How social media impacts on and affects every part of our lives.

‘You’re not even a fully formed person yet but already there’s a detailed map of your personality out there and companies you’ve never heard of are getting rich off it!”
