Near By Business – 22/03/2018

Near FM’s new weekly business show “NearBy Business” is presented by Declan Ralph and Dave Daly. We start the show with a look at some business stories from the news this week with a focus on what affects us in North east Dublin.

Then it’s the Business of section and this week it’s the business of the credit review office with Jim Deeney.

This week for Near By Business on the road Brian Greene visited two businesses again. He chatted with Michael Sheehan from Northside Shoe Repair and Key cutting and Kevin Gibney from East Coast PC in Raheny.

David Bell from the HR Department was along for his regular look at HR issues from the employers point of view. This week we chatted about protocols and practices around red alert weather warnings.

if you would like to get involved in the discussion or comment on any of the stories, we are on twitter……. @NearBy_Business
