Maura Walsh chats to Stephen Maguire ahead of his play ‘Noel’ which is on 20th & 21st February at Smock Alley Theatre, Boys School as part of the Scene + Heard Festival Of New Work 2018

Stephen is an Actor/Writer/Poet from Swords, Co. Dublin. His play follows a day in the life of Oscar, a mature student who is battling with anxiety brought on by social construct. As the pressure catches up with him, he begins to make decisions based on a battle of do’sdon’ts, should of’s and could haves.
The question is will he pull through or fall victim to his lifelong enemy….Himself.
Stephen wrote and produced the play. He also sold out a showcase of short plays and monologues titled “Heartstrings” in February 2017.  He speaks about life, happiness, societal conformity, success, gender pressures, the human condition, head and the heart, inside and outside perspectives and how it affects mental health.
some voices can’t be switched off’………..