Citywide Reading Campaign for Children #citywideread

Jackie Lynam, Librarian with Dublin City Public Libraries, talks to Noel McGuinness about the 2018 Citywide Reading Campaign for Children (#citywideread). The chosen book for this year is “Making Millions” by Erika McGann. Jackie explains that the aim of the campaign is to promote reading for pleasure and girls and boys across the city are encouraged to pick up a copy of “Making Millions”, the second book about Cass and the Bubble Street Gang, in their local library or bookshop. The book is suitable for children from 7 to 10 years of age. Key events during the campaign include: Saturday 10th February 3-4pm, Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane – author Erika McGann will read from her book followed by Q&A. In addition, Vince Reid, the illustrator of the book will discuss the illustrations and lead a practical demonstration on what it takes to make a great illustration. Suitable for ages 6-10 years. The other event is on Sunday 18th March from 12-5pm – “St. Patrick’s Festival. Big Day Out 63 Merrion Square”. Children of ages 6+ are invited to join the creepy ghost tour with storytelling by torchlight, shadow puppetry, illustration workshop, adventure room with puzzles and an outdoor gymnastics zone. In addition, author Erika McGann will read from “Making Millions” throughout the day. see also
