Crosscare Food Banks Food Appeal

Listen to Michael McDonagh, Crosscare Senior Manager of Food Services, talking to Noel McGuinness about Archbishop Martin’s appeal for support for Food Banks. Parishioners are asked to donate food to help stock food banks in the weeks before Christmas. They should bring non-perishable food items to Mass in their local parish church on the weekends of 5th/6th and 12th/13th of December. Michael says that demand for food, especially from families, has remained consistently high and unfortunately there have been no signs of a fall-off in demand for their food service. Crosscare opened two new food banks in 2015 in Glasnevin and Darndale which provide basic foodstuffs to those most in need, especially families with children. Types of food urgently needed include pasta/rice, fruit juice, tea/coffee, soup, sugar, powdered milk, tinned meat/fish, tinned veg/fruit, packaged desserts, biscuits and hygiene products.
