Éadaoin Ní Chléirigh – Chair of Advisory Group on the Restoration of Richmond Barracks

“A Lost Chapter of 1916 History”
Mark Finnegan talks to Éadaoin Ní Chléirigh, Eadoin is Chair of Advisory Group on the Restoration of Richmond Barracks
Last week An t-Ardmhéara Críona Ní Dhálaigh turned the first sod on the redevelopment of Richmond Barracks in Inchicore. Richmond Barracks is being redeveloped by Dublin City Council in commemoration of the 1916 Centenary. The redevelopment will take place over the next six months with an official opening in May 2016. The barracks will be redeveloped into an interactive multimedia tourist attraction which will trace the story of the site from military barracks, to housing estate, to school. The leaders of the Irish revolution, along with over 3000 Irish rebels, including 77 women were held in Richmond Barracks in the aftermath of the 1916 Rebellion before they were sentenced or released.
The Richmond Barracks Website has lots of information and a wonderful gallery of photographs.