The Brennan Mob – Episode 2

The Brennan Mob is a six part comedy half-hour comedy drama set in Dublin. When the father of the family is arrested for pretending to shoot a young Garda with his finger after being stopped while driving in a bus lane, all manner of complications arise. His celebrity model daughter is hoping to marry the son of one of the richest businessmen in the city, but her father’s escapade being reported in the tabloids leads the businessman to believe his son is going out with the daughter of a gangster. Misunderstandings arise one after the other thereafter.

The second episode continues with John Brennan continuing, despite his previous run-in with the Gardai, his zany behaviour. He is aided and abetted by his equally misbehaving son, Declan. This week, we are introduced to three new characters:

–  Justin, Jennifer Brennan’s boyfriend, who is not the brightest spark in the world.

–  His father, Dick, a rather dodgy businessman

–   And his equally unscrupulous accountant, Jack.

So, sit back and listen to Episode 2 of ‘the Brennan Mob’ by Denis Byrne.

This radio series is funded through the Broadcasting Authority of Irelands Sound and Vision scheme.
