Rohan Felmingham and Noel Fay

Rohan Felmingham is an Australian bike enthusiast who is currently travelling the world by motorcycle. He tells Noel McGuinness about how his bike was stolen here in Dublin and the kindness he discovered as a result. In November Noel Fay read a post online telling of Rohans plight and was moved to help him. Noel, along with some other bikers, arranged an auction in aid of Rohan in December and they raised enough cash to buy him a new motor cycle. However, in order to continue his journey the bike needed major modification and another friend of Noels offered a workshop in Finglas were Rohan could carry out the work required. In a couple of weeks time all the work will be complete and Rohan will leave Ireland to continue his journey with mixed, but mostly good memories of his visit to Dublin.
