The Arts Show: The End is The Beginning


Louise Marlborough of PrettyVacant Dublin talks about ‘The End is the Beginning’, a group exhibition she curated as part of The Market Studios Curatorial Residency Programme where artists examine moments of personal significance from the last 12 months.


Each of the pieces will see the artists reflect on their past year – searching for milestones, emotional turning points, or decisive life events – and then allowing those moments to achieve expression through the work.
Artists hail from across the globe including Argentina, Ireland, Spain and Poland, and use a blend of media – from painting, and collage to video and installations.

Artists are: Florencia Caiazza | Rebecca Cairns | Ashley Holmes | Bartosz Kolata | Mary O’Mahony Lorraine Masters | Blanco Rego | Gianna Tasha Tomasso | Naomi Vona | Isabella Walsh

Accompanying each artwork is a written statement, giving voice to the artist’s feelings on how these events may have shaped their view of the next 12 months. In the way that the past can both taint and colour the future, artists were asked to detail how the event depicted within their work, and the events of the previous year, have given them the opportunity to take stock, and asks them to consider what they see in their future.

‘The End is the Beginning’ is open 6 – 8 December, from 1 – 6pm


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