European Code Week 2013 with Irish Ambassador Julie Cullen.

In this interview with Irish Ambassador Julie Cullen for European Code Week 2013 highlights the many exciting events taking place across Ireland and Europe.

We discuss the many programming workshops organised, including the successful Coder Dojo hosted at Microsoft Dublin.
To add to the ever popularity of coding;Julie refers to “Mary,a six year old girl” who started coding at the Microsoft meet up.
We discuss the role that teachers are playing in nurturing code in schools as well as the benefits of learning a set of new digital skills.

Europe Code Week is providing additional opportunities for both young and old alike to learn code,up skill their Cv’s and play a vital part in the education revolution.

European Code Week is exciting addition to an ever growing calender of technology events in Ireland.

For further information on European Code Week,please visit
Europe Code Week runs from November 25 – 30, 2013.

Presented & Produced by Eoin Drinan.

(First Broadcast –28th November 2013).
