Asian Talents Ep 27

  Ep 27 – 9 March 2023 文肇强神父,天主教聖神會會士,生於香港,曾係多倫多接受教育。八十年代下旬黎到都柏林進修神學。 其後廿載,佢係不同地方同多元文化環境下,做社會科學研究,再後從事社會工作。 重返聖神會後,係2017年被委派到愛爾蘭服務。 曾經為曾受酷刑嘅政治庇護者服務,同係聖神會避静院兼職,現職都柏林一所安老院院牧神父。 Sam Mann is a Catholic priest of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans). Born in Hong Kong, he was educated in part by the Spiritans in Toronto. He studied theology…

Beaumont Hospital Foundation

Aideen Kiernan who is Community Fundraising & events manager with Beaumont Hospital Foundation will talk about future events they are organising to raise money for the foundation. Live: 01 8092457 087 432 4848 1st broadcast: 06/04/2023