Widow website

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Colette Byrne founder of widow.ie who  set up this website after her husband died in a road collision a few years ago to help people connect with other people who have lost their partner, wife,  husband. Colette…

Alice Mc Glynn Meningitis

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks Alice Mc Glynn  about Meningitis in adults & what symptons to look out for. Alice’s husband Mark  died from meningitis at Christmas & she wants to get her story out so people can be aware of the dangers…

Martine Bradley Camino Walk 2018

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Martine Bradley who is doing the Camino walk in June 2018 to raise funds for Beaumont hospital foundation.  Martine will be performing Friday May 25th in the Water mill pub in Raheny  at 9.30pm to perform a…

Hail Housing

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Carolan & Siobhan who will be live in the studio to talk about HAIL which is a voluntary housing association to help people who are suffering with mental health difficulties to enable them to achieve & sustain…