Asian Talents – Episode 7

第七集嘅嘉賓係唱作人林一峰 林一峰係一位來自香港嘅資深獨立唱作人。 今次佢會同我哋分享吓點解嚟咗愛爾蘭,最近忙緊啲乜,同喺愛爾蘭生活嘅點點滴滴。 A veteran and fiercely independent singer songwriter, Chet Lam is originally from Hong Kong. After 20 solo albums and earned himself a prominent spot in Chinese music industry with heartfelt original songs, national hits for other big names, building…

Northside Today: ‘WISE Ireland’

Pearse O’Reilly of Speedpak joins Donie Tarrant to explain the ‘WISE Ireland’ social procurement campaign: A campaign to encourage businesses to purchase from – and engage with – local Work Integration Social Enterprises [WISEs] Web-Link: