Enviro -28th August 2017

On this edition of Enviro: Proposal by Dublin city council to fell mature London Plane trees at Fairview Park Dublin Protest, and the forming of a human chain,has been organised for Friday 1st. September in front of Fairview Park to take place at 6…

Enviro – 21st August 2017

On this edition of Enviro… Paul O’Brien comes in to talk about basic incomes for Ireland, as well as talking about his book, “Pennies from Heaven”. Also, Biodiversity Ireland director Liam Lysaght comes in to chat. Liam spent six wonderful days walking the…

Enviro – 14th August 2017

On this edition of Enviro: Forest Friends interns Guliana, Franseska, Lorena and Federika present detaills of the project they are working on for Heritage Week. Jennifer Brady read out Bolivia’s ‘Law of Mother Earth’. Jennifer Brady also talked about her forthcoming autobiography…