Enviro- 18th November 2019

On this edition of Enviro: Britt and Joe chat to Naoise O’Dune, guide at the leprechaun museum. Followed by Ogham Stones –Locations – meaning – trees correspondence – origins MYSTICAL IRELAND – LEGENDS AND TALES OGHAM STONES? WHAT DO THEY MEAN? THE…

Enviro: 11th of November 2019

On this edition of Enviro:  5G ecological risks: Much stronger than previous technology, 5G is to be rolled out without any genuine testing. Likely able to penetrate the body much deeper, it is a potential disaster for humans, flora and fauna. They…

Enviro: 4th of November 2019

On this edition of Enviro: They spoke with Sue Breen of the Extinction Rebellion Ireland movement. Sue explained what the organisation set out to achieve and how she feels it is succeeding so far and what the future holds. They discussed how…

Enviro: 14th October 2019

On this edition of Enviro: They celebrated the fact that Ethiopian Prime Minister Ably Ahmed has won the Nobel Peace prize for resolving the conflict with neighbouring Eritrea. Their organisation Forest Friends Ireland has established one of the branches, of Forest Friends…