Voyage 04 – 01 – 2021

  Chile, Croatia and Brazil have more in common than just football!  Tomás León, Lidija Radacic and Luciano Mariano chat about the difficulties of understanding and making themselves understood in a world where everyone speaks English.  Getting a dementia diagnosis is like learning…

Voyage 14 – 12 – 2020

A very special programme featuring three community experts who were recent contributors to the Fingal Memory Makers Publication.  Poet Peter Owens (85) from Malahide, Trinity Drama student Maureen Penrose from Blanchardstown and artist Nancy Dempsey (94) from Portrane talk about their life…

Voyage 07 12 2020

Africa is just huge!  With a population of 1.2 billion it’s difficult for us to comprehend just how huge!  Wambui Karanja from Kenya, Primrose Nyamayaro from Zimbabwe and Funmi Akindejoye from Nigeria – all Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) Fellows explain the…

Voyage 23 – 11 – 2020

  Community Engagement is a vital part of dementia care.  Dominic Campbell, co-founder of Creative Aging International and Norah Walsh, composer, musician and Music Director of the Forget-Me-Nots choir have a lively discussion about how important it is to stay connected with older…

Voyage 16 – 11 – 2020

  What did the Actress say to the Consultant Physician about Dementia?  Meet Rose Henderson, Sister Assumpta from Fr Ted who has developed her dementia-inclusive play ‘Take Off Your Cornflakes’ co-written by Fair City’s Pat Nolan, into a short film.  Roman Romero-Ortuno,…

Voyage 09 11 2020

Dr Bruce Miller, co-director of the Global Brain Health Institute chats to Frances Elliott about Emotions and the Brain.  The seven universal emotions in humans are Anger, Fear, Disgust, Happiness, Contempt, Sadness and Surprise.  It’s no understatement to say that 2020 was…

Voyage 02 11 2020

  What is Brain Health?  Karen Meenan asked four Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health at the Global Brain Health Institute – and the answer?  A myriad of things!  Healthy diet, lots of exercise, social contact, in fact all of the…