The Brief 26th April

Barristers Andrew Robinson and Peter Leonard present The Brief. Karl Deeter of Irish Mortgage Brokers discusses strategic mortgage default. Barrister Mark Tottenham on recent Superior Court decisions. Fintan Lawlor of Lawlor Partners offers advice on Social Housing Support. Produced and engineered by…

The Brief 2nd February 2012

Laura Noonan from the Irish Independent tells us all about Anglo Irish Bank and the Quinn family. Peter Leonard BL and Patrick Wilkinson solicitor talk about why the Anglo enquiry hasn’t yielded any scalps, Sam Smyth, Michael Lowry and defamation cases.…

The Brief 260112

This week David Barniville S.C. on the Legal Services Regulation Bill, Ross Maguire S.C. New Beginning on the Personal Insolvency Bill. Fiona Gartland from the Irish Times about enthusiastic debt collection by mortgage lenders. Fintan Lawlor, solicitor, Lawlor Partners on mortgage arrears…