In light of the recent Presidential Election result, and the “Wear Red” for November, and the banning of some T.V. adds in the USA, Shane O’ Curry from ENAR Ireland joinsDonie to discuss the current state of Racism in Ireland
Ger Dorgan was joined by former Councillor Seán Paul Mahon (Fianna Fáil) and Memet Uludag (Activist, and Socialist Worker’s Party Member), and then later, Catherine Lynch of the Irish Network Against Racism joined the discussion. We discussed Racism at home, and in…
Presenter Ger Dorgan was joined in the studio by Michelle Murphy (Research and Policy Analyst-Social Justice Ireland), Cristina Santa Maria (Northside Civic Centre) and Brian Killoran (Immigrant Council of Ireland). We discussed Social Justice Ireland’s Alternative Budget, and “Taking Racism Seriously: Migrants’ Experiences of Violence,…