Enviro: 2nd December 2019

On this edition of Enviro: In part one: The team are discuss Ann Lynch Secretary Ballyboughal Hedgerow Society: following the occasion of 350 meters of historic Hedgerow being removed. Ann issued a PRESS RELEASE as follows: “350 meters of a mature Hedgerow…

Enviro: 15th April 2019

On this edition of Enviro: Neutrality Alliance and Veterans for Peace who are visiting Ireland at present and are speaking at various anti-war public events spoke to us about their incursion onto the airport off-bounds lands at Shannon airport as a protest …

Enviro -28th August 2017

On this edition of Enviro: Proposal by Dublin city council to fell mature London Plane trees at Fairview Park Dublin Protest, and the forming of a human chain,has been organised for Friday 1st. September in front of Fairview Park to take place at 6…