Northside Today: Alan Tuffery

Regular contributor Alan Tuffery joins Donie Tarrant to discuss “What is the feeling of wonder?” Alan explores Transcendental experiences and Personal experiences. Alan will explain why we should spend less time looking at phone and more time paying attention. Take time to…

Northside Today: Alan Tuffery

Regular contributor Alan Tuffery joins Donie Tarrant to expound on why People are living in poverty if their income and resources (material, cultural and social) are so inadequate so as to preclude them from having a standard of living that is regarded…

Alan Tuffery on National Days Off

Former academic Alan Tuffery joins Donie Tarrant for his regular contribution and this time Alan talks about National days off. Public offices etc closed. Ireland has fewer public holidays than most countries, and why there are no public holiday in Feb, July,…