Dr. Nick Kidd, chartered member of Psychological Society of Ireland speaks with Austin McCoy about how Psychologists offer advice on being inclusive across the age range
Cllr. Cian O’Callaghan, (Social Democrats) joins johnny Holmes to discuss the planning application by Gannon Properties for housing / apartments and commercial office blocks in Clongriffin
Story of the month by French Storyteller Thomas Dupont entitled “Acheux Church” about some wee folk & goblins in the village of Acheux-en-Virmeu, Northern France
Roisin Conlon, Principal of Glasnevin Educate Together National School speaks with Johnny Holmes about the support needed for school secretaries currently on strike action
Paul Bailey from Irish League of Credit Unions speaks with Johnny Holmes about the financial struggle for Third Level Students, with many now skipping lectures for work in order to pay rent, bills & other costs
Billy O’Keeffe, Life Long Programme Manager, Age Action Ireland speaks with Austin McCoy and Paul Murray about Positive Ageing Week (Sept 30th – 6th Oct inclusive)
Colm Ryder, Dublin Cycling Campaign speaks with Johnny Holmes about their forthcoming AGM, also about Mapping for Cyclists, the upcoming Budget and other events in the pipeline