Mayor of Fingal, Eoghan O’Brien (FF) joins Johnny to talk about: Significant increase in local dumping, fly tipping and dog fouling Local Enterprise Fingal support available for local SME’s. “In this together” launch by Fingal CC Fingal Community Response Call Pedestrianisation of…
Stephen Large from Threshold Ireland joins Johnny to discuss ban on evictions, rent costs since outbreak of Covid-19, private landlords with cases against them for flouting tenancy laws and also about the situation where rent costs were suspended for some tenants who…
Ed Coleman from Ballymun Rediscovery Centre joins Johnny to speak about their “Ask the Expert” Series and other on-line services. Broadcast: 11/06/2020
Stephen Large, Threshold Ireland joins Johnny Holmes to talk about Action on Housing Proposals for those newly elected to the Dail, also about additional fees charged by landlords and pods in shared bedrooms
Patricia Gutteridge & Teagan Stanley, Irish Girl Guides join Johnny Holmes to talk about IGG’s “Responsible Consumerism Initiative” to reduce plastic waste and about their trip to world Guide Centre in Pune, India
Cormac Cahill, Alzheimer Society of Ireland joins Austin McCoy and Paul Murray to discuss their new fundraising campaign and also about the outcome of General Election 2020