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Hugh Harkin of Anam Cara, talks to Noel McGuinness about the bereavement support services for families who experience the death of a child. All their services are offered at no charge to parents and families. Anam Cara’s main fundraising event for 2016…

Anam Cara

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Sharon Vard who is CEO with Anam Cara the organisation who helps parents who have sufferd the loss of a child. Sharon talks about the berevement information evening which is taking place Wednesday 21st September at 7.30pm…

Lifeline 7/1/2016

Nwabuogo Enwerem aka Ogo on Lifeline Listen to this encouraging and informative and heart-warming interview with Sarah Vard Sarah Vard is from Anam Cara Parental and Sibling Bereavement Support chats to Ogo about their work, 20th of January event in Applewood Swords,…

Anam Cara

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Sharon from Anam Cara about the work they do & about the meeting which is taking place tonight in Apple wood community center in Swords.

Anam Cara

Sharon Vard talks to Noel McGuinness about Anam Cara, the national support group for bereaved parents.  She explains that Anam Cara was set up so that all bereaved families throughout every community in Ireland would have access to the relevant support services…