Soundings: A Contemporary Score – The Museum of Modern Art,New York,NY

Soundings: A Contemporary Score,
August 10, 2013 – November 03, 2013

In this interview Eoin Drinan talks with Barbara London Associate Curator of The Museum of Modern Art,New York,NY.

Barbara discusses Soundings:A Contempoarary Score the first group exhibition at MoMA to single out sound as a form of artistic expression, and one of the first of its kind in New York.

Barbara discusses with Eoin that the experience of sound is becoming increasingly private through the increased use of earbuds and headphones.
Soundings explores how and what we hear,and how we interpret sound inc the challenges of staging such an event.

Featuring the work of 16 contemporary artists working with sound, from the United States, Uruguay, Norway, Denmark, Australia and Japan.

Soundings explores how sound within a gallery inc a range of field recordings as diverse as bats to abandoned buildings in Chernobyl to 59 bells in New York City to a factory in Taiwan.

Some of the featured artists in the exhibition inc Camille Norment (American, b. 1970),Richard Garet (Uruguayan, b. 1972), Jana Winderen (Norwegian, b. 1965),
Jacob Kirkegaard (Danish, b. 1975), Marco Fusinato (Australian, b. 1964), Toshiya Tsunoda (Japanese, b. 1964) and Hong-Kai Wang (Taiwanese, b. 1971

The exhibition Soundings: A Contemporary Score runs until November 3rd 2013 at The Museum of Modern Art New York.

More information including a interactive website is available here.

Presented, Produced by Eoin Drinan.

(First Broadcast 19th September 2013)
