Lifeline Programme 3rd July – Across Ireland Charity Event

Lifeline Programme 3rd July 2013 – Interview with Nicky Carvin

The event was founded in 2000 by Nicky Carvin (Motorcyclist & Motorcycle Racing Fan), for two reasons in mind.

(1) When he experienced first hand the urgency for specialist medical equipment needed to help Newborn Babies & Seriously ill Children, overcome various illnesses at such an early stage of their lives.

While visiting the intensive care unit of our Lady of Lourdes hospital, (by chance) Nicky spoke to the Doctors and Nurses directly and found how badly they were in need of equipment to back up their excellent work carried out with new born babies and Seriously ill children.
Much to his amazement on that day there were only 3 ‘new born’ baby Incubators in the Intensive Care/ Neo Natal Unit, in which two were in use at the time.

When Nicky asked why there were only 3 machines and only 2 of them being used at that time? The answer came from one of the staff members that one had broken and that was all they had to use for the unit even though there were 7-10 babies at the time in need of care in one of the incubators. This is generally the case with most hospitals and (7 into 2 does not go!!!) as we can all agree, so when all the talking was done, I asked the staff that if I gathered together some fellow biking buddies and arrange some sort of bike run and raised enough money to buy one or more pieces of the equipment in which they were in dire need of, would it or could it be purchased and put into use immediately (without any admin or politics getting in way). Hence without any further thought or delay “The Annual Across Ireland Run” begun, with a few home printed flyers & posters stuck up on the walls of shops, pubs, bike shops etc…..some funds raised, bikes fuelled up, and mars bars packed, we were on our way “Across Ireland” to Galway (a one day event at the time).

(2) While attending many road races all around the world from Ireland to The Isle Of Man to the Macau Grand Prix (China), where there was great pleasure & enjoyment had watching one of his (Nicky’s) all time hero’s the late great Joey Dunlop,(5 times world champion), 26 time TT winner & record holder for many races all over the world. With this in mind and the fact that Joey himself took time out of his busy schedule to raised much needed funds & medical supplies to distribute to sick, terminally ill, or disadvantaged children all across Europe, planted the seed for the making of the Annual Across Ireland, children’s motorcycle fun run.

Over the past 10 years the the Annual Across Ireland crew has grown to 23 dedicated voluntaries working hard to make a difference .
