Social Justice Media Conference

What’s wrong with the media in Ireland? Why are social justice issues not covered adequately? How can this change? What is the potential of community media and social media to provide a real alternative?

This major conference took place Dublin on Saturday 9th March 2013 and seeked to answer these questions.

‘Social Justice Media – Examining the Evidence, Exploring the Possible’ was hosted by the Near Media Co-op, broadcaster of community radio and television, to mark its 30th anniversary.

Speakers include Gavan Titley of NUI Maynooth, Nessa Childers MEP, former head of RTÉ Farrel Corcoran and community activists Fr Peter McVerry, Rita Fagan and Gerardine Rowley. The event was opened by Minister Pat Rabbitte.

This is a recording of the live broadcast from the day, that includes snippets of the speeches with interviews some of the contributors on the day.

For more information see the Conference micro-site
